About Us
Joe and Amy Rohrer own and operate Boy and Girl Farm. We grow around 10 acres of vegetables year round. We believe vegetables to be the healthiest food to consume on a daily basis and love the joy and pain involved with farming. Joe started working on farms as a teenager and quickly realized that growing food for people is what he was passionate about and wanted to do forever. He loves working in the dirt and has a natural instinct for caring for the land. Amy is a 4th generation farmer and has deep roots with the soil. In her early 20's she knew she wanted to come back to farming and began work at other farms. At one of these farms, Joe and Amy met, married a few years later, and started their own farm.
What We Grow
- *acorn squash
- arugula
- beets
- broccoli
- broccolini
- brussel sprouts*
- butternut squash*
- cabbage
- carrots
- cauliflower
- chicory
- cilantro
- collards
- delicata squash*
- english peas
- fennel
- kale
- kalettes*
- kohlrabi
- kombucha squash*
- lettuce
- mustard
- onions
- pac choy
- parsnip*
- potatoes
- pumpkin*
- radish
- romanesco
- sorrel
- spinach
- sunchokes*
- sugar snap peas
- sweet potatoes*
- swiss chard
- tatsoi
- turnips
*denotes fall season only
- basil
- cantaloupe
- cucumber
- sweet corn
- eggplant
- fennel
- field peas
- bell peppers
- jalapeño pepper
- lunchbox peppers
- poblano pepper
- shishito pepper
- potatoes
- spagetti squash
- garlic
- green beans
- honeydew
- okra
- onions
- parsley
- aji dulce pepper
- summer squash
- cherry tomatoes
- roma tomatoes
- slicer tomatoes
- watermelon
- zucchini
We grow multiple varieties of most of the vegetables listed.

how We grow
We are always learning how to become better farmers. What works one year may not the next year and what works in one garden doesn't work in another garden. We try to keep things as simple as we can while maintaining a quality of life away from the farm. The soil we own is our greatest investment and therefore we are passionate in aiding with the health of that soil to the best of our ability and knowledge. This includes cover cropping, crop rotation, implementing organic matter and letting the ground rest when needed. We do not use any herbicides or fungicides. We use only organic pesticides when needed on our crops after taking other precautionary steps. We are working with an organic fertilizer company to implement a plan set forth for our soil that makes the most sense. We take care in choosing varieties of vegetables that are best grown for our climate and we use all non-gmo seed.
We will always farm with the health of the soil, ourselves, and our community in mind.
Where to buy
You can find our fresh produce for sale every Saturday from 9am-noon April through December at the Waxhaw Farmer's Market. You can also find our produce in several local restaurants around the Charlotte area.

Chefs & Restaurants
We sell our produce to area chefs and restaurants, with deliveries on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week. We typically sell from April through January.
If you are a chef and would like to receive weekly availability lists, please email boyandgirlfarm@gmail.com, we'd love to hear from you.
We enjoy working with chefs and love seeing them turn our beautiful produce into tasty dishes.
Around the Farm